Submitting RTI

File By Internet Setup
You can file both RTI and CIS Submissions through the Qtac payroll. In order to set these schemes up you will first need to speak with HMRC and register yo...
Making Full Payment Submissions with QTAC
An FPS (Full Payment Submission) is used to inform HMRC of payments made to employees. It is a major component of RTI and those running payroll should have...
Submitting Earlier Year Updates
Earlier Year Updates (or EYUs) are used to correct information submitted in the previous tax year. FPS submissions for tax years close on the 19th April. I...
EPS & Period of Inactivity
An EPS is used to inform HMRC if you have any recovery from statutory payments like SMP or CIS deductions suffered. You should submit an EPS each month to ...
Submitting RTI automatically with QTAC
QTAC can be set to automatically submit FPS and EPS information after printing payslips or P32’s respectively. This option is located in ‘Admin > User O...
Late reporting reasons
HMRC guidance on late reporting of payments is as follows:- If you send a FPS afte...