This guide will show you how to invite Employee Users to the QPortal, this will give them access to view their own payslips, P60's and P45 online.

We advise doing this once you have uploaded payslips for the employees first, if you need any help on this see our previous guide: Adding Payslips to the QPortal.

What is a employee user? See our guide: Portal Users Definitions

Getting Employee Records Ready

If you already email payslips to employees and would like to switch to the portal distribution method the employee email addresses are held in employee maintenance.

You can check your employee email addresses under 'Employee Maintenance > Personal tab > Email Address'.

If your employee email addresses are held in Employee Maintenance then when you perform a ‘Synchronise Company’ the employee email addresses will be added to the portal.

Screenshot of the Qtac software to show employee email address

Inviting an Employee User

Employee portal invites can be sent either individually or for the whole company.

Bulk Employee Invite

To send all employees portal invites click on the ‘eye/view icon’ relating to the company in question.

Screenshot to show how to view more details on a company

The next page will list the employees in that specific company. If employees with email addresses have not been invited to create a portal account you can invite them in bulk by clicking the ‘create accounts’ button.

Screenshot to show creating accounts for employee users

This action will send portal activation emails to all employees with an email address.

The ‘Sign Up Status’ will change from ‘Not Signed Up’ in red to ‘In Progress’ in pink once employees have been sent an portal activation link. 

The employee will receive an email like the following example.

example QPortal invite email to employee users.

To activate the portal account the employee needs to follow the link on the email they receive and follow the instructions on screen which includes creating their own password.

The activation email will expire in 7 days

Once activation is complete the ‘Sign Up Status’ will turn green to indicate an activated account.

Screenshot to show whether an employee has an active account

Once active the employee will also receive an email confirmation with a link that takes them to the portal login page.

Screenshot to show employee activation confirmation.


Q – What happens if a portal activation email expires?

A – Simply re-invite the employee with the instructions above.

Q – My employee isn’t receiving their portal invitation email?

A – Firstly check the email address is correct if the email address is correct ask the employee to check their junk/spam folders or review their email filters.

Q – Can an employee change their email address?

A – Yes, no problem just navigate to the employee record on the portal and select ‘Manage User’ enter the new email address in the email field and click ‘Save’

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